
Donate Today

Donate Today

Since our inception, folks have supported Community Publishing in many ways, including financial gifts. This page was created to give folks a few options with which to support our cause! What is our cause?

"At Community Publishing our passion is to bring artists of all mediums together in collaborative projects for Multimedia Publishing which culminate in printed books, blogs and podcasts. Our objective is to provide artists with a global platform, promote artists within their community and build relationships among artists while supporting local talent. We are committed to promoting literacy and the arts through our Multimedia Books. All of our Multimedia Books are available in print and digital formats, are in English and Spanish and contain educational components to stimulate the imagination of our readers. We are specialize in bringing books, blogs and podcasts that are diverse in both content and the artists that create them." More Info

Donation Types

Give a one-time donation directly below or support us monthly via Patreon below. Regardless of which way and how much you decide to contribute, please know that we greatly appreciate your support and look forward to meeting you in person at a community event in the near future!



What is Patreon? “Patreon is a way to join your favorite creator’s community and pay them for making the stuff you love. Instead of literally throwing money at your screen (trust us, that doesn’t work), you can now pay a few bucks per month or per post that a creator makes.  For example, if you pay $2 per video, and the creator releases 3 videos in February, then your card gets charged a total of $6 that month.  This means the creator gets paid regularly (every time she releases something new), and you become a bonafide, real-life patron of the arts.  That’s right–Imagine you, in a long frilly white wig, painted on a 10-foot canvas on the wall of a Victorian mansion.  And imagine your favorite creators making a living doing what they do best… because of you.” – Patreon Website

Receive discounts on new releases, & exclusive access to our authors, artists, musicians and influencers all while supporting Independent Media!

From the Community For the Community!
Never any Charge or Spam!


Receive discounts on new releases, & exclusive access to our authors, artists, musicians and influencers all while supporting Independent Media!

From the Community For the Community!
Never any Charge or Spam!